Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving is Hell

Here is where the soul goes.

On the first layer you encounter Hades. He has an entertainment center made of thick glass that needs to be brought down from his third story apartment and placed into his Mini-Cooper. Somehow he manages to ensure that you are on the top half of the carrying team at each floor, simultaneously having to hold the heavy object up while not letting it fall on Hades face.

Only once it is at the bottom will the Greek god realize that it could have been disassembled.

On the second layer is the Beelzebub. Not Satan, Beelzebub.

He needs help moving a gigantic armour that he is barely able to fill half way up with clothes. This time your back is to each doorway. At each impasse Beelz here forces you to pause and hold the damn thing while he twists and turns it trying to figure out the best way to get it through the door frame.

He will remind you fifty times every time to "don't let it hit the fucking door frame!"

Every time it does it will be YOUR fault.

On the Third layer we find Famine, Death, War, and Conquest who have called you over to help them with their rooms. In each respective room the owner only removes the small items leaving the heavy lifting to everyone else. Subsequently you will be forced to endure constant room mate bitching about "that lazy ass hole" during each rooms encounter.

You, the person who has done most the work, will naturally be the most quiet.

On the fourth layer there is Satan.

Satan has had a lot of souls to deal with lately, so his house has "gone to shit" as he will say. You will have to aid him with dirt covered carpeting, molded trash cans, year old fast food remnants, and will be forced to ask him a million times whether or not he wants to keep the various worthless tid bits he has laying around.

"Oh yea I'll need that later" he'll say about a mold covered Goonies DVD he hasn't watched in four years.

And this is your eternity.

The next day you have to help all these ass holes move back in.

And yes there are only four levels, I'm not fucking Dante.

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