Sunday, July 26, 2009


George Carlin had a bit about this.  It was the one that got him pretty much all of his fame/ money/ notoriety.

Seven words you can't say on the radio.

My whole life has been a celebration of the word fuck.

In third grade I was sent to the principal, because I considered one of my fellow class mates to be a "mother fucker."  An adjective for one who engages in a sexual relationship with one's own mother.  For this I was subject to an entire day of detention in a small room.

Once again in seventh grade I was subject to more removal from the population of my fellow students for expressing how I "did not give a fuck."  A noun used to represent one's lack of care in a subject that one invests no value in on a personal level.  Another day completely by myself.

This happens throughout my high school career.

I say fuck/ fucked/ fucking/ motherfucker/ un-fucking-believable and I am then isolated.  This of course being my teachers' attempt to train me to associate using the word fuck as something that removes me from standing in the grand scheme of civilization.  They believe to say fuck is to put yourself outside of standards and thus forced to endure a measure of loneliness.

I say fuck that.

A verb used to indicate one's intent to act in opposition of the following noun.

I have literally put time in for this word.  I'm gunna use it.

In reality, these slang terms that are considered taboo are terms that bring us closer to our fellow human being.  In other words cussing can make people your fucking boys.  Adjective used to enhance the meaning of a relationship between the user and the group indicated.

Also by setting these words aside as "those words" almost assuredly making them the most popular.  And a word like fuck is only set aside due to it's sexual nature, even though sex is a natural urge in every living thing and could be considered the soul purpose of life due to reproduction's importance to the species.  Yet the slang word is considered low brow to people with religious/ sexual/ lack of parental hugs/ tight ass hang ups.

Vulgar words.  Dirty words.  Cuss words.  Swear words.

Stephen Fry made a point that I took to heart.

These people who think that using language like this is an indicator of a lack of intelligence and creativity are usually people who are neither intelligent or creative.  Basically these people are fucking retarded.  Enhancing an adjective to indicate that the person in question is not actually affected by a mental defect but are subject to a low amount of mental ability.

And I hate people that come at this from a biblical stand point.

The bible is full of death/ sex/ war/ famine/ slavery/ Wrath.  Of.  God.  Saying fuck isn't "taking the lord's name in vain," saying you believe in a God other than God is taking his name in vain.  To declare he is not who these people say he is is to take his name in vain.  To tell your friends to "shut the fuck up" is not taking his name in vain so even Christians can use this glorious word.  Enhancing an adjective used to indicate to a person to move their jaw upwards to facilitate the closing of the mouth, removing the ability to speak.

And even in this blog entry I have demonstrated the words versatility.  You can even use it the same way to mean different things.

"Man I got fucked up last night."
"Dude that is fucked up."
"Man, I really fucked up."
"That guy?  He's a fuck up."

So the next time some jerk off mom gets all huffy because you talked in coarse language around her impressionable off spring take my words with you valiant defender of free fucking speech.

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